Friday, December 14, 2007

The pounds go marching 2 by 2, hurrah, hurrah!

Down 2 pounds again this week. It feels great to be on a downward track again. I have significantly increased the exercise this week. Back to walking the extra two stops in on Metro, doing the walk a mile at home, and walking the dog after the walk a mile. Randy and I are doing a pedometer challenge. Whoever has the most steps gets a 15 minute back rub. If both of us make it to 10,000 there is no winner (except both of us for getting to 10,000 steps). I got over 11,000 last night and Randy was at 9,400. He's doing great with the steps. I may increase my minimum to 12,500 since it's a little easier for me to get my steps in. That will really push me outside of my comfort zone.

The holidays are coming. If I can maintain, I will be extremely happy but losing pounds over Christmas is a feat worth awarding. If I continue to lose weight through the week including New Year's Day, I will get a pedicure for myself.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Home-stretch for the holidays . . .

Well, the trip to Utah and diversion from my healthy eating plans accounted for a 6 lb gain between November 16 and November 30. I guess that equals 3 lbs a week and also pounds I never wanted to see again. A bit depressing but after a much-needed pep talk from my Mom, I'm back on track with my meal plan. Afternoon and evening munchies continue to plague me. I finally got rid of Garrett's cauldron o' candy leftover from Halloween. Unfortunately, I got rid of most of it by eating it.

After the last year of increased exercise, hiking, kayaking, and in general getting used to moving a lot more - I have gone from that to nothing. I could blame it on the cold weather these last few days but that only accounts for a few days. I have to make it a priority to start exercising again. I purchased two DVDs that I can use in the house but I also need to take Hunter for more regular walks -- it's important for him as well as me.


This is so hard. My stomach hurts - it's hard to concentrate and focus. I can get distracted and then I'm looking at the calendar or...