Thursday, April 29, 2010

Learning to Run

I decided to sign up for the Lawyers Have Heart 10k run on June 12. It's important to note that I don't run. I believe the last time I ran -- besides to catch the incoming Metro train, to catch my runaway dog, and to catch my 3 year old before he ran into oncoming traffic - that one's been a while since my 3 year old is now 15 -- the last time I ran would have been in high school . . . because I HAD to . . . to pass P.E. So, I'm not sure what planets aligned last week and gave me enough optimism and motivation to think this was not only a good idea but that I could successfully run a 6 mile race in the next 7 weeks, but here I am - learning to run.

It's been about a week and today I saw my first bit of progress. I decided to set a 2 mile course for the first week and a half that I would walk the first mile and then run the second. That notion was easily displaced the first morning when I ran for about 30 seconds when my legs decided they were not running anymore. I managed to finish one minute of jogging, walked for another minute, jogged for another, walked another minute, and then barely finished the third minute of jogging before I wisely decided I would finish the mile walking. My training plan includes running every other day and cardio on the alternating days. On my running days, I get so winded during the 1 minute walk/1 minute jog that I can barely drink from my water bottle.

Today was officially the start of the second week of my training plan. I set out this morning feeling pretty good and realized after the third cycle of walking/jogging that I could keep going. I did a 5 minute walk/jog cycle and decided to finish the course by walking. After today, I'm excited to see where I'll be in another 6 weeks.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Surviving the Blizzard of 2010

Garrett invited a friend to get snowed in with us and Randy and I hit the grocery store with mobs of other last minute shoppers. I had already made the milk and toilet paper run; but I forgot Superbowl Sunday!! We basically shopped for root beer, chips, dip, and chili fixings. Good thing I had already purchased the essentials. By Thursday night, the water, milk, and bread aisles were decimated. My office closed Friday along with Fairfax County schools and Randy worked until about 3pm. We went out for lunch on Friday (a rare treat as we work in different cities) and I remember looking outside and thinking how the entire area would be blanketed by snow in a few hours.

Everyone was home and warm by Friday night and we sat and watched the snow pile up. By Saturday morning, our entire neighborhood was coated in white. James and I were the only two up when the power finally went out for good at around 8am. Friday night, we entertained each other with Just Dance on the wii (video below). It was a blast, great exercise, and fantastic family time.

Saturday morning, after getting a fire going in the woodstove and food cooking on the gas grill, we sat down for a marathon Monopoly session that lasted 5 hours. After almost going bankrupt halfway through the game, luck smiled on me and I managed to bankrupt Randy, followed by James, and then Garrett with my monopolies and hotels on the entire property line from Free parking to Go To Jail.

The power returned around 12:30pm but no one was willing to give up on Monopoly so we played until 5pm. Besides the deck, we didn't get much shoveling done on Saturday so the real work starts today. It has been fun being snowed in with my family and knowing everyone is safe. I doubt the kids will be back in school before Wednesday.


This is so hard. My stomach hurts - it's hard to concentrate and focus. I can get distracted and then I'm looking at the calendar or...