Friday, September 26, 2008

I joined Weight Watchers at work. I'm having trouble getting motivated. I have kept the weight off that I lost in 2007 but have not seen any further progress.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Been a while

Okay, so it's been a while. Updates, updates. Garrett has switched from trumpet to tuba. His band teacher sent an e-mail that Garrett is an awesome player and doesn't realize how good he is. He's finished with 7th grade in 2 short days and I realized he'll be driving in 2 years. WHAT??!! Okay, my breathing is back to normal.

Randy is busy with High Adventure planning and getting used to his new job. What? I didn't tell you? He left MITRE. He's now at Northrop Grumman. He likes it but most of all realized he wouldn't melt if he left MITRE. There is life outside! He loves his church calling - working with the older boys. He's planning the High Adventure trip and having the boys over next week for a cookout and planning meeting. Reminder to me - clean the house and put away anything breakable before Tuesday. . .

I'm still doing water aerobics with Mom. My weight loss has stayed the same which is better than gaining but I'd sure like to see some losses. I'm reading The Persian Pickle Club which is a cute book about a 1920's quilting club. I've really just started so I don't have an opinion yet. I've set a goal to lose 2 pounds and I get a pedicure. My toes really need it. I'm doing Weight Watchers at work for free but I've got to journal and get back to counting points.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Water babies

Mom and I have signed up for a deep water aerobics class at the rec center. We've already taken the class once and we really liked it. Two suggestions: wear a one piece suit and put your styrofoam belt on t-i-g-h-t! Don't forget - stand up straight, belly in, butt in, chest high, breathe . . .

Garrett has been working out with us in the weight room. He gets on the treadmill and is jogging for 10-20 minutes. He wants free access to the other machines so he has agreed to take a weight training for teens class (teen? when did that happen?). Once he finishes that class, he can workout wherever he likes.

Randy is starting a new job at Northrop Grumman. He is so happy and relaxed. I'm very happy for him. We're going out tomorrow night as Garrett will be at a friend's house for a sleepover. We'll be celebrating his new job.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Down again

I'm down 2 pounds this week. Another 5 and I'll be where I was pre-holidays. From that point, I've got to lose 20 pounds to be able to buy any clothes. Randy lost his pedometer so we haven't done the pedometer challenge in a while. Mom and I are going to the NBC4 Health Expo tomorrow. It should be a lot of fun.

I am really going to push myself this week to stay on a downhill run with the weight. I would really like to see some movement on the scale now that we're in to 2008. I have maintained my loss of last year but I want to see the scale start moving down again.

I'm seeing a nutritionist on Wednesday. Hopefully, she'll be able to help with the eating plans and afternoon munchies.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Getting back on track

I gained over the holidays. While I'm upset about the gain, I have to remember that I am 30 pounds less now than I was a year ago. I'm seeing a dietician in a week to go over my eating habits. I think I need to up the exercise and that will help tremendously. I would really like to get in a half hour of exercise every night. I also want to walk the dog every day (he deserves it).


This is so hard. My stomach hurts - it's hard to concentrate and focus. I can get distracted and then I'm looking at the calendar or...